Comprehensive Security Solutions


About Us

SecureTech is a professional security company that offers end to end solutions, ranging from security and risk management to systems design and installation to training.

Company Overview

We are a Cyprus based company that helps organizations and individuals identify and understand risks that impact their business or households. Taking a holistic approach, we implement security measures that help eliminate identified risks, making organizations and households resilient to future threats and better prepared for those that present themselves. Additionally, we offer the most reliable systems on the market as well as personalized system installation.
Yes. We will work alongside you to understand your needs and design the best solutions based on this understanding. In addition, we will design and provide you with the most premier security systems on the market and train your security personnel to get the most out of them.

Yes. We can support you by offering security and risk management services that are designed to help you understand your risks. We can also provide personalized solutions to these risks, design and install the best security systems available, and provide localized training in their use. In addition, if you feel you need security expert advice inside your organization, we can offer you an outsource security director.

Yes. We will visit your house/apartment, identify your needs, and provide you with solutions that fit your budget. This includes the installation of innovative security systems and other physical security measures based on best practices of crime prevention. The end project will result in a home that is less attractive to criminals, reducing crime on your premises as well as the fear that accompanies it.

Who we are

We pride ourselves on merging education with real-world experience, which is why our team boasts both post-graduate studies and extensive experience in law enforcement. The specialized education our team received hinges on best practices in the field of security and risk management. Additionally, our company’s workforce has been involved in a variety of stressful environments, including the securing of high-risk state properties and individuals. Members of our team were in charge of the safety and security of a European organization in Cyprus, the experience of which is invaluable in serving our current customer base. We are also members of an extensive network of associate security professionals around the world where we can network and learn from each other.


Our mission is to transform the way individuals and companies think about security by offering the best available solutions based on innovative products and services, our goals being safety, stability, and protection.

Our team is dedicated to your personalized service. We provide advice and work with companies and individuals who are seeking assistance in all aspects of security.

We are committed to developing new ideas and solutions and to continually improving the service we provide.