Shoping Method

  1. Add the products to your shopping cart while you are on the product page where you see all the details you need.

  2. After selecting the desired product, you can add the product to your shopping cart. You can only add product on the cart if there is available.

  3. Each time you add a product to the cart in the upper right corner of your screen you will see the number of products you have selected.

  4. Once you have finished selecting the desired products, click on the “cart” in the upper right corner of your screen to be transferred to your cart and you can see in of your products that you have selected.

  5. At this point you can remove as many products as you do not want or change the amount of items you have already added.

  6. When you make sure your cart is ready, complete your order by filling in your shipping details as well as the payment and shipping type and you will enter your pricing information and details.

  7. After placing your order you will receive an automatic confirmation email with the necessary information.